Time is being a part of great interest not only to the ever made great physicists but also to the curious people like us. It is very important to know that time has its own travelling history which goes on propagating and gets finer and meaningful from generation to generation. I am going to describe the definition of time according to the two famous physicists of all the times.
Let us travel the definition of time with these two great physicists:
- Galileo Galilei
As known to us he is father of physics. Despite of his finer works in telescopes and discoveries in cosmology arena he performed an experiment in which he created a pendulum clock. In this experiment he measured the short periods of time accurately by creating a pulsilogon, the machine uses a pendulum which was being synchronized to the human pulse. More briefly Galileo's definition of time was only confined to measure a record of an experiment and does not create a pillar for much explorations through it.
- Issac Newton
Newton without discussion can be called as second father of physics who created a branch of physics called classical physics. According to him Time is absolute and exist independently and flow at a constant rate means time as well as space remains in its own nature and confined itself to their own properties, Any external process cannot affect it. More briefly time is UNIVERSAL and it is same for everyone and anywhere in the universe.