Sunday, December 18, 2022

NEWS- Physics laws might not actually exist, according to this physicist

By: Arjit Mishra

A theoretical physicist named Sankar Das Sarma has put up some thoughts under a column published by New Scientist. He says whatever we have came across in physics till now are merely working descriptions, and nothing but mathematical equations that matches with parts of nature known to us, there are enough stuff left which is potent enough to create a upheaval in our basics. He explains that physics is better understandable as we don't treat the laws of physics as absolutes. Sarma says it's better to view laws of physics as if they are layers of an onion. As we learn more about the physics of our universe, we are peeling off more and more layers but there is always enough to peel. So if something unusual is appearing we have to look both aspects whether our existing laws are being broke or the appeared result is an outcome of a misinterpretation, existing physical laws aren't robust enough.

"We might be living in a simulation"

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

NEWS- Treasure Trove of Black Holes found!

BY: Arjit Mishra

According to the researchers they have found a previously overlooked treasure trove of massive black holes in dwarf galaxies.

Our Milky Way galaxy is a spiral one and is believed to be an outcome of many smaller dwarf galaxies merging into each other, these dwarf galaxies may bring massive black holes which are destined to be swallowed by Milky Way's supermassive black hole. 

Black holes are detected when they are glowing by ingesting gas and stardust swirling around them. The problem is, while growing black holes glow with certain high-energy radiation, a young newborn star could also replicate the radiation creating confusions amongst the Astronomers whether it's a black hole or a young newborn star. However, Researchers were able to terminate the confusion with the help of various diagnostic tests and existing journals.

Eventually they were able to find trove of massive black holes. and 'the black holes we have found are the basic building blocks of supermassive black holes like the one in our Milky Way', they added.




Saturday, May 21, 2022

NEWS- Mirror World can solve Hubble constant problem

BY: Arjit Mishra

According to a new paper, an unseen 'mirror world' of particles that interacts with our world only via gravity might be the key to solve a major cosmological problem- The Hubble constant problem.

The Hubble constant basically is the current rate of expansion of the Universe. 
But here exist a major flaw- the predictions for this rate with reference of cosmology's standard model are significantly slower that the rate found with the help of experimental procedures. 
Many cosmologists around the globe have been attempting to solve this problem by altering our current cosmological model but the challenge is to do so without ruining relations between standard cosmological model and various cosmological phenomena for example- CMB(cosmic microwave background).

Now the Researchers have came across though a previously unnoticed mathematical property of cosmological models, which points out that the observations we do in cosmology have an always existing symmetry under rescaling the universe as a whole. This might pave the way to understand why there is a lack of compatibility between different measurements of the Universe's expansion rate.

If the Universe is inheriting this symmetry researchers are led to a marvelous conclusion: that there exist a mirror world very similar to ours but invisible to us except of it's gravitational impact on our world and the mirror world might be containing the particles that are all copies of known particles.


Tuesday, May 17, 2022

NEWS- Exploring the possibility of Genesis of High-Energy Neutrinos

BY: Arjit Mishra

Firstly I would like to introduce you guys with TDE (tidal disruption events), Tidal Disruption events occur when a star passes too close to a compact object, such as a supermassive black hole (SMBH), such that the tidal field of the compact object is able to overcome the stellar self-gravity and tear the star apart.

Neutrinos being the lightweight particles, which have no electric charge throughout the cosmos and can only be detected after their arrival on earth. Their origin is still a big mystery in physics. [To create neutrinos conditions need to be just right to drastically accelerate charged particles].

In 2019 researchers discovered one of the brightest transients they've ever seen in their life, transients are basically short lived flared in sky such as tidal disruption events and exploding stars called supernovas further details show that the outburst shone in infrared, x-rays and other wavelengths of light.

A year after this flare's discovery the antarctic neutrino observatory iceCube again spotted high energy neutrinos, by tracing their path backward researchers determined the source as flare's vicinity.

The matchup between the two events could be a coincidence but after this 'coincidence' researchers linked neutrino genesis to TDE but it still isn't clear how tidal disruption events produce neutrinos.

Physicists then began to propose various theoretical scenarios like: A jet of particles flung away from the black hole could accelerate protons, which would interact with surrounding radiation to produce the speedy neutrinos.

Some Astrophysicists didn't agree that the flare was TDE instead it could a especially bright type of supernova they added and justified the saying by the statement: In such supernovas protons accelerated by such supernova's shockwave could collide with the protons in the medium that surrounds the star, producing other particles that could decay to produce neutrinos.

Still there are clouds of uncertainty regarding this topic, but let's hope the things would be clear in future.



Monday, May 9, 2022

NEWS- Galactic Relation Resolved

BY: Arjit Mishra

Elliptical Galaxies are one of the most abundant type of Galaxies found in the Universe.
Superficially there are four categories to classify Galaxies: Spiral; Barred Spiral; Elliptical and Irregular. 
Elliptical Galaxies have a smooth ellipsoidal morphology, They are mostly found in Galaxy Clusters.
One of the notable feature of an elliptical galaxy is that they naturally contain a much greater proportion of older stars than spiral galaxies do.
Nowadays Astronomers Theorize that most of the elliptical galaxies are formed from the collisions and subsequent  mergers of spiral galaxies. Ages and Complexion of Stellar population holds evidence for this theory, because the stars in elliptical galaxies are much older and redder than those in spiral galaxies. 
Moreover spiral galaxies have abundant gas and dust which eventually fuels Star formation, whilst elliptical galaxies appear to have virtually exhausted that fuel and so there is scarcity of raw material for the formation of new stars. Due to this low rate of star formation and their populations of old, red stars, elliptical galaxies are referred to as 'RED and DEAD' by Astronomers.  

Obviously with the help of Hubble and ESO'S VLT(Very Large Telescope) Astronomers were able to show how star formation in these DEAD- Galaxies actually took place billions of years ago and practically prove the theory.



Saturday, May 7, 2022

NEWS- Magnetic Bubble could act as a saviour for Astronauts

By: Arjit Mishra

Human race is trying it's real best to set foot on Mars and other Exoplanets but apart from all the obstructions one of them is that sending astronauts on long-duration missions is kind of impossible because of the hazardous radiation levels in space.
However a new concept offers some hope on the horizon, this Idea takes advantage of the latest advances in superconducting magnet technology to effectively shield spacecraft—and the astronauts inside—from harmful space radiation.
The researchers behind it have received funding from NASA innovative Advanced concepts (NIAC) program to build a prototype called CREW HaT.
HaT stands for Halbach Torus, which is a circular array of magnets that creates a stronger field on one side while reducing the field on other side, They've came up with a design for lightweight, deployable and mechanically supported magnetic coils activated by a new generation of high temperature superconducting tapes.
This configuration produces an enhanced external magnetic field that diverts cosmic radiation particles, but the most interesting thing is that the geometry being proposed creates a magnetic field outside the spacecraft but not inside, so the astronauts are not exposed. The created magnetic field is directly extended out into space it's not bounded within a chamber or something.
Researchers believe that this design can divert over 50 percent of the biology-damaging cosmic rays and higher energy high-Z ions that are responsible for health complications and deaths of astronauts in space. Moreover They still need to reduce the weight and work on the design to make it more efficient.


Sunday, March 13, 2022


   By:Arjit Mishra

According to the Vedas of ancient India the basic definition of time reads as- Time is an active potency of the supreme in manipulating the material energy or more lucid definition would be “The means through which matter and energy are connected(during emergence) and separated(during dissolution) is called time”. Since eternity we’ve have known various aspects of macrocosmic definition of time such as- the frame of period from creation of universe to it’s dissolution, and repetitive cycles of such periods, it’s various scalable units and many more things. But only few ones know the microcosmic definition of time or in layman’s language “how time works?” so here is how Vedas describe it- A thought wave that occurs in the mind is termed vritti. For a jiva, time is the space between two successive vrittis. Moreover the screen on which this motion picture of time and space with birth, death, creation and dissolution runs is termed consciousness. Vedas basically tends to merge the concepts of time, space and consciousness and declare that they are all one. In spiritual realm our consciousness is contained in an energy based life form while in the material realm our consciousness is contained in a matter based life form.  Time is an energy which has both spiritual and material aspect, in the spiritual realm time passes but nothing gets older or deteriorated because spirits are not under the jurisdiction of time while in material realm time causes change and is ultimate destructive agency.  

There is one more curious aspect concerning the nature of time, In the vedic system the events are somehow known in advance and this also curiously enough has some relationship with the Theory of relativity. How?

In Einstein’s Theory of relativity time is like a geometrical coordinate which is some sort of space and so events of the future are there in a different region of space. In fact, in Einstein’s theory it is even possible to shift between the dimensions of space and the dimensions of time, so they are sort of interchangeable. Thus everything that is going to happened, everything that is happening and everything that has already happened exist in a sort of timeless domain or are laid out in a continuum. Einstein believed this stuff and quoted “the passage of time is simply an illusion”. He even mentioned human being as a “space-time worm”.

So it turns out that the missing keys of the modern physics are present in Vedas in a very superficial manner.

If Vedas and modern science will work together, a revolutionary development would hit human race very soon.


 “Vedas are the most rewarding and the most elevating book which can be possible in the world.”