Wednesday, May 25, 2022

NEWS- Treasure Trove of Black Holes found!

BY: Arjit Mishra

According to the researchers they have found a previously overlooked treasure trove of massive black holes in dwarf galaxies.

Our Milky Way galaxy is a spiral one and is believed to be an outcome of many smaller dwarf galaxies merging into each other, these dwarf galaxies may bring massive black holes which are destined to be swallowed by Milky Way's supermassive black hole. 

Black holes are detected when they are glowing by ingesting gas and stardust swirling around them. The problem is, while growing black holes glow with certain high-energy radiation, a young newborn star could also replicate the radiation creating confusions amongst the Astronomers whether it's a black hole or a young newborn star. However, Researchers were able to terminate the confusion with the help of various diagnostic tests and existing journals.

Eventually they were able to find trove of massive black holes. and 'the black holes we have found are the basic building blocks of supermassive black holes like the one in our Milky Way', they added.





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