Thursday, May 21, 2020


BY : Arjit Mishra

The World in which we are living has it's Mysteries beyond our expectations.
Do you know, your observation effects the various possibilities of this World.
You must be thinking I'm a sci-fi maniac but I will prove you wrong by Introducing Double Slit Experiment.

NOTE : Don't confuse your mind with Young's Double Slit Experiment given in class 12th Textbook.
That Experiment was done by the use of Light but I'd be Introducing a model which used matter like Electrons.

Before entering to the Quantum World I want you to be Introduced with "How Particles and Waves actually work ?"

PARTICLE : Marbles are of  particle nature, When we fire them through a narrow slit they form single straight line on the screen(placed after the slit). Similarly if we use two slits, Patterns of two straight lines would be formed.

WAVE : When we allow waves to pass through a single slit then where highest intensity waves strikes the screen a straight line is formed. But when we use two slits instead of one then something unexpected happens; When Tops of one wave meets with Bottoms of another, they cancel out each other and forms interference patterns on the screen. Let us understand this more briefly :

When tops / bottoms of two waves meets, the intensity of wave reach to it's maximum value that's why a bright line is formed on the screen and where top and bottom of two waves meet, they just simply cancel out each other which leads to formation of 'nothing' on the screen.

Now Let us enter the Quantum World

An Electron is a basic form of matter which can exist independently. When we place an Electron Gun in front of a single slit, and allow the electrons to pass through the single slit then same single line pattern can be seen as we have seen it in the case of marbles.

But the story changes when we fire electrons through multiple slits. Generally two single line patterns are expected to be formed on the screen but they represent the interference pattern(whiz shown by waves when we use them in double slit experiment). Firstly some of the physicists thought this would be occuring due to collision of electrons. To check this possibility they constructed an electron gun which fire a single electron at a time but again they were shocked by the outcome of Interference pattern. This was possible only if a single electron just  before entering a slit transform into waves and pass through both the slits and after passing again confirm their particle nature. Mathematically this was impossible.

To carefully observe and understand this phenomenon physicists set an observer machine which can detect the change in electron to a very small extent. When experiment was set up again the result turns the moral of scientists down, this time electrons form two single line patterns on the screen(whiz resemblance of particle nature).

when observer machine was removed electrons show Interference pattern and when it is placed near the electron gun they show particle nature. This behaviour of electrons directly indicate that they know the presence and absence of observer and change their behaviour accordingly.


This poperty of electron is still a mystery for us.
even scientist tried every possibility to make no technical mistakes, for this cause they specially constructed an observer machine which do not emit any type of electro-magnetic signal but again the result was same as mentioned above.

Our Universe is made of electrons which indicate towards a simple theory that this world is acting differently when we are not watching it and act differently when we are watching it.


1 comment:

  1. The "observer machine" must interfere with the free flight of the particle, by striking it with other particles or fields. It is this interference which collapses the particle's superposition. The particle does NOT know about the observer!


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