Tuesday, May 26, 2020


BY: Arjit Mishra

In 1929 Edwin Hubble was the first person who observed that our Universe is expanding constantly till then our Scientific data and Astronomical techniques have improved a lot.
Today without hesitating we can say that our Universe was born 13.8 billion years ago.

After detecting cosmic microwave background we can predict the conditions of Universe after 0.3 million years of Big-Bang.

We have created conditions like Big-Bang on the microscopic level in Large Hadron Collider to understand the Universe from the beginning.

Today our Universe is expanding, this statement directly indicate to the fact that there must be a time previously where all this is constricted to a point(which later expanded due to explosion).

If we go back into time we would reach a point whose temperature is very high, and this point is specifically known as point of SINGULARITY.

So, Singularity got exploded which created the Universe and this explosion is known as Big-Bang.

But a question must be arising in your mind that What was before Big-Bang ?

Some Scientists believe that Big-Bang was the first step of Construction which not only created this Universe but also time and other Physical laws which indicate there was no Universe, no time and no Physical laws. thus the question is wrong in itself because when there was no time before Big-Bang then discussion of this topic is hopeless.
This theory clearly says that there was nothing before Big-Bang. but this theory was not able to satisfy us because according to 2nd law of Thermo Dynamics "Something can't come from nothing"
which says there must be something before Big-Bang.

While another theory says that "Universe always existed" if it is true then what was happening till now and what will be happening was done many times before. If we believe this theory then our Universe should be in a state where all the Physical processes are completed but observations deny this fact and so the theory.

We know that density of Black Hole is very high and Big-Bang was happened from Singularity which was also very dense, Some scientists believe that this point of Singularity must be formed by conversion of Past Universe into Black Hole.

Our Universe is expanding constantly, but some people believe that some time it would expand to a great extent that an explosion would occur which would cause the formation of a new Universe and by this process only our Universe had formed. 
"Construction and Destruction is eternal" but this theory too has a problem that actually how
does the first Universe came into existence, means we have reached the same place where we have started.

There is another theory "Multiverse Bubble Theory" :

According to this theory there are countless Universes which are constricted in a bubble, either they collide with other ones or get parted into number of pieces. these collisions or parting cause immense explosions which forms another Universe, Hopefully Big-Bang also is an outcome of such aspects.
If this theory is right then there must be the formation of circular pattern in the cosmic microwave background due to collisions or parting. But till now we didn't detect such a thing.

Regarding Multiverse there is another theory which came from String Theory :

It says that at basic quantum level particles looking like strings or membranes exist which always vibrate. their different vibrational patterns give birth to different particles like: electrons, protons, neutrons, Gravitons etc.
According to String theory there are number of dimensions in which these strings operates; Due to different behaviour of such strings different Universes came into existence which interact each other with the help Gravity.
Dark energy which is still a mystery to us is an energy which describe us the Gravitational influence of another universe on our one. When two Universes collide Big-Bang occurs which form another Universe.
This theory has answer of our every question but irony is that most of the scientists consider it as a Philosophical theory because it talk about Dimensions and other sci-fi concepts whose existence cannot be defined from physics laws.

We cannot perfectly tell about what was before Big-Bang. But we have progressed a lot to answer this question. Today we are able to see the conditions of {10 to the power -43} seconds old Universe which is the time before 13.8 billion years.

The question that what was before Big-Bang is very complex. to get the answer we could only depend upon observational analysis and mathematical theories. but a problem persists that mathematical laws which work in general world loose their importance in Quantum World.
Physics laws do not work in bodies like Black Holes and so they do not exist before Big-Bang then if somehow we are able to define a condition of working for physics laws then we would be too close to our answer.



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